webový expert creativ design

shopify webflow framer

I create successful websites, projects and products specializing in UX/Creative Design and No-code technologies, primarily Webflow and Framer, secondarily Shopify.

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years of experience
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I'll design a beautiful and unique design that your visitors will love for your website, app and e-shop. Or I can create a complete website that will bring you new customers. And don't worry, thanks to Webflow and Framer, it won't cost you a rocket. I also have an overlap into video, print, brand, CRO and especially marketing. I'm not the cheapest because I'm not a rookie. Yet I will be your best investment.

Webdesignweb on Webflowweb on Framer

Shop on Shopify

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I can also give you advice on how to succeed online, or keep an eye on your current webmaster. I can also help with video and marketing.

Need more? I'll build a team. Under the CubesDigital brand, I have created a community of 80+ Czech freelance web professionals. And from them I build an individual team for you in case you need something that I can't do alone - for example Wordpress, PHP, .NET, social media management, or PPC campaigns and more ...

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I started creating content on YouTube about what I enjoy and what feeds me. Specific topics are web design, UX, video, no-code, CRO, AI and online business. Videos will be added with regularity and if these topics interest you, I'd be happy to subscribe.

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CubesDigital has become our exclusive partner for web design, management and development for the last 5 years. During this period we have managed to find a common language and insight into the presentation of the company and services, which we are still trying to develop. This is helped by the calmness, discretion and marketing mindset of Mr. Svejda with the technological quality of his team who are not afraid to try new things. The collaboration is working well and we continue to expand it.

Lukáš Opat photo
Lukáš Opat
Hrdlička holding

The meeting with Pavel Švejda over the creation of the website of our improvisation performance was extremely inspiring. With great calmness and patience he listened to our frantic ideas and with his team he really realized the feasible, found a completely different dimension to the unfeasible and made the result even more powerful. It is only thanks to their openness, sophisticated view of customer requirements and great professionalism that we can now boast of our website.

Martin Zbrožek photo
Martin Zbrožek
herec a muzikant

As an attorney with a long practice, I have met many people. And I'd be happy to meet Mr. Svejda again anytime. Communicative, fast, quality. That's all I want in a business lawyer. And I rarely get it. Here I am fully satisfied and thank you for a good site.

Ronald Němec photo
Ronald němec

Mr. Švejda has a very professional approach in design and creation of web environments. His constructive ideas and thoughts are well implemented into working websites, which we have had success with in the USA. We continue our long-term cooperation and we are happy to recommend Mr. Švejda to our other customers. We look forward to further cooperation!

Lunda photo
Radek Lunda

We chose CubesDigital after a recommendation for their creativity and quality of workmanship. I do not regret my decision. Gradually we found a common language and communicated everything important in the simplest possible way. The result is hilarious and, most importantly, meets the defined business objectives. I can recommend Mr. Švejda and his team, even for us the cooperation does not end.

Michal Rozehnal photo
Michal Rozehnal

We have been working with CubesDigital for several years on the creation of our association's website. We appreciate the friendliness, flexibility and professional approach of Mr. Švejda. We believe that our cooperation will continue and we will keep our website functional and attractive.

Lenka Vašková photo
Lenka vašková
APG a Čkz

We are very satisfied with CubesDigital. We especially appreciate the structured process of the whole project. Throughout the process, Mr. Švejda answered all our questions in an informed manner and responded flexibly and rationally to all our requests. We look forward to further cooperation.

Matěj Přibyl photo
Matěj přibyl

Thanks to the cooperation with Pavel Švejda and his team, we managed to create a website with a timeless design that lets the jewellery itself stand out. I enjoy that Pavel always finds a suitable solution to all my requests, whether they are minor or more demanding changes. I consider him an expert in web design and value his professional recommendations. Thanks to his professional approach, our cooperation is far from over.

Michal Kadaník photo
Michal Kadaník
přední šperkař

We have been working with CubesDigital since the beginning of our company. They designed our corporate identity, created the website and graphic design of the web application we provide to our clients. Cooperation with agencies is not easy. Previously, we worked with three organizations and had to part ways. But with Pavel and his team we have settled down and we get on well, we are very happy. What's more, our clients admire the result, which is of international quality!

Jan Pavelka photo
Jan Pavelka
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Who I like to work with the most

I don't distinguish if I'm working on a project worth a few thousand or hundreds of thousands. I work for small freelancers as well as large multinational corporations or digital agencies. Be it with a different approach for maximum client benefit. Because I always look for the best value for money. But what is important for me to work together is both if I am the right person who is able to help you achieve your goal and if we fit together humanly.

What is my capacity and availability

Currently available

My schedule is divided into two parts - one is for planned projects and long-term collaborations. And in the other, albeit smaller, I reserve time for everything else. Which means, among other things, that if you contact me, I am able to tackle your project right away, and while the communication, assignments, etc. are going on, in the other part of my schedule I create time for the project in the background. Which is a way to be more and faster available for new projects and challenges.

What is my price and hourly rate

I have set my price and hourly rate so that it is well justified with respect to my experience and speed of work - because I am a senior, I know what I do and I do it with confidence and appropriate speed. And while it's best to try out a collaboration before writing a telling hourly rate, I've broken it down below, at least for a basic comparison:

Hourly rate for Webflow, Framer, CRO - 43 USD / hour

UX and UI Design work - web, eshop, app, brand and video - 38 USD / hour

Template websites Webflow / Framer from 560 USD

Individual websites from 1300 USD




I'll be your best investment. I know what I'm doing and I can make you money. See for yourself - call or email me.

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Pavel Švejda, DiS.
IČ: 86931881 — VAT: CZ8911021515